Kazakhskiy PromTransProekt

⇒ roads (all technical categories), highways, urban roads, streets, driveways, parking and inyard areas;
⇒ transport interchanges;
⇒ crossings by roads and railways;
⇒ access and intrasite roads;
⇒ reconstruction of roads of all categories;
⇒ traffic project management, the scheme of the dislocation of traffic signs, horizontal markings on the roads;
⇒ road network schemes development;
⇒ master plans development;
⇒ construction technical support.

⇒ general use railways in combination with all necessary facilities;
⇒ second paths;
⇒ industrial enterprises rail access paths in conjunction with the loading and unloading, car-repair, locomotive, track-repair and other necessary facilities and devices;
⇒ public network and industrial railway stations;
⇒ wagon scales;
⇒ higher roads for bulk cargoes unloading;
⇒ draining, filling and storage of petroleum products devices;
⇒ electric centralization railway stations;
⇒ self-locking and semi-automatic locking;
⇒ protected and unprotected rail crossings.

⇒ cable and overhead lines 0.4-10 kV;
⇒ air line 10-220 kV;
⇒ railroads, tram, trolley bus contact network;
⇒ internal power equipment;
⇒ internal electrical lighting;
⇒ power and lighting on railway stations, loading and unloading areas, warehouses, etc.;
⇒ power and lighting of roads, interchanges, underpasses, etc.

⇒ engineering and geodetic surveys;
⇒ geotechnical investigations, including studies of the full range of physical and mechanical properties of soils.
Design includes a full range of design and survey works, taking into account topographical, geological features of the terrain and the passage of the existing communications. Projects are carried out entirely by our experts, starting with work-finding, coordination at various levels and ending with the conclusion of obtaining technical examination of finished projects.

⇒ cable communication lines (fiber optic and electrical);
⇒ radio-relay communication lines;
⇒ facilities and network radio communication with mobile and fixed subscribers, including cellular, trunking and paging services;
⇒ antenna-mast structures;
⇒ automatic urban, rural, departmental institutional telephone exchanges, subscriber access network on any type of equipment;
⇒ interoffice communication system using the latest technologies;
⇒ objects and data network, computer, control, alarm, cable and broadcast television, radio, fire alarm, CCTV, access systems, SCS;
⇒ automatic fire extinguishing system;
⇒ objects and multi-network systems, computer telephony;
⇒ Internet access points;
⇒ automated information systems and packages, information security systems;
⇒ system of "intelligent building" ("smart house");
⇒ telemetry, telecommand and telemetry systems.



Deputy Director


Chief engineer

Chief Accountant
Institute "Kazakhskiy Promtransproekt" - the oldest and one of the largest design and survey organizations of industrial transport in the Central Asian region - was formed in 1958. Many facilities in Kazakhstan, all the republics of Central Asia, as well as in Russia and Lithuania were built on the projects of the Institute.
History of any company has its remarkable dates when the past activities are being summarized, the results are being assessed, the most interesting and important periods are being recalled, when the difficulties and problems are forgotten and everything positive and good is perceived brighter. In 2018, we have celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of interesting and intense work of our Institute.
We are proud to note that “Kazakhskiy Promtransproekt" has made a significant contribution to industrial development of huge region - of all Central Asia.
Thousands kilometers of railways and roads in conjunction with all the necessary facilities and arrangements: bridges, overpasses and transport interchanges, transportation service companies (locomotive and wagon depot, equipment units, garages, and track- and road-repair points) - were build on our projects. Also many logistics centers in public procurement system of the national economy were built on our design.
The Institute has developed external transport projects for significant part of industrial enterprises in Kazakhstan, including Karaganda Metallurgical Combine, Leninogorsk and Irtysh Polymetallic complexes,Dzhezkazgan Mining and Metallurgical Combine, chemical plants in Dzhambul and Shymkent, "Karagandaugol" association, Lead-Zinc, Titanium and Magnesium complexes in Ust-Kamenogorsk, and for many other large and small companies.