The structure of the department included two sectors: Artificial Structures and Industrial Civil Engineering.
The designs performed by the department are highly professional, technically mature, original and effective.
A number of examples were accumulated over the years of work:
⇒ the bridge over the Selenga river near Ulan-Ude
⇒ road overpass at the Karaganda Metallurgical Combine
⇒ the City Bridge in Vilnius
⇒ the railway bridge across the Orh river
⇒ road bridges in the Magadan region
⇒ road bridge over the Syr Darya river
and various transport interchanges.
The department was created among the first divisionsions in 1958. From the first days department begun to design difficult artificial structures, as a part of complex objects, and for individual orders.
The Artificial Structures sector can perform the following activities: design of bridges on the highways and railways in urban areas, and bridges over the rivers. Constructions of bridges can be quite varied as by materials used (metal, reinforced concrete prestressed reinforced concrete), and by construction spans and bridges supports (beam spans, spans of reinforced and prestressed concrete, metal spans).
The Artificial Structures sector has a wide range of software products for structural analysis of bridges – MIDAS CIVIL, LIRA and Opora X software systems. The designs performed by the department are highly professional, technically mature, original and effective.
Some interchanges in Almaty city are an architectural ornaments:
⇒ the junction at Sain str. and Raiymbek ave. intersection
⇒ the junction at Bokeihanov str. and Ryskulov ave. intersection
⇒ transport overpass at Satpayev str. and Zhandosov str. intersection
and others.
The department is staffed by 15 professionals, among them the most experienced designers, bridge-builders, and college graduates who are just starting their way in a difficult but very interesting activity.
Among the significant projects carried out by the Artificial Structures and Civil Constructions department we should note the following:
⇒ «The Kyzalasker-Kirov highway» in the South Kazakhstan region (Kazakhstan) with a metal bridge across the SyrDarya river.
⇒ «New Khromtau-Altynsarino railway line» in Aktobe region (Kazakhstan), the technical supervision of the railway line construction.
⇒ «Almaty Eastern Bypass Highway», the design and construction of the largest infrastructure project in Almaty city.
⇒ «Construction of a new Zhetygen-Korgas railway line – the state border of the RK». Participation in new railway line design. The project includes a bridge over the Ile river, which nowadays is the largest railway bridge in Kazakhstan.
⇒ «Design and construction of highways, bridges, interchanges and overpasses within the city of Ashgabat and Akhalskiy velayat».
⇒ «Road interchange to the highways at K.Kuliev str. and A. Niyazov str. intersection». The Republic of Turkmenistan.
⇒ The design of transport interchanges in Ashgabat.
Over the past years the following projects and designs were developed:
⇒ the joint factory building of the station with the post of centralization power for 50 people;
⇒ repair and maintenance section point building;
⇒ indoor equipment item;
⇒ pedestrian crossings at road interchange and under the railroad;
⇒ fire-fighting tanks and pump stations;
⇒ pass channels for water;
⇒ overpass for the elevated road for bulk materials, sand storages;
⇒ district heating chamber;
⇒ foundations for power lines and lighting masts, poles.
Sector of industrial and civil construction is a division of “Kazakhskiy Promtransproekt”. The employees of this department are engaged in designing the railways infrastructure:
⇒ railway stations;
⇒ power centralization posts;
⇒ schools;
⇒ kindergartens;
⇒ health centers;
⇒ public buildings;
⇒ industrial buildings
⇒ operational area buildings;
⇒ points of equipment;
⇒ fire tanks;
⇒ fire pumps;
⇒ warehouses;
⇒ masts;
⇒ support legs;
⇒ switchboard rooms;
⇒ pedestrian crossings (underpasses and monolithic);
and other facilities.